Thursday, September 29, 2011


In a public water playground for the first time, mum was totally unprepared for it, but Nico had loads of fun getting completely soaked. He was, of course, the youngest baby but the bravest and the wettest!

En un parque publico con chorros de agua, mama no estaba preparada para ello con ropa seca etc, pero Nico se lo paso en grande mojandose por completo. Por supuesto, era el bebe mas pequeno, pero tambien el mas valiente y el mas mojado!

Monday, September 26, 2011

NICO is potty training/ Nico ya usa el orinal

Every morning, without missing a single one...

Cada manana, sin faltar ninguna...

Friday, September 16, 2011

Nico at 9 months/ Nico con 9 meses

Several images of the daily life in Singapore. As you can see from the photos, his life is quite hectic and busy, full of different activities and friends.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Nico caminando!!!

even black colour suits him/ hasta el negro le sienta bien

Nico Slide/Nico en tobogan

This is in the playground down below our apartment, and just learnt it by copying much older kids.

Esto es el parque de abajo de casa y lo aprendio copiando a otros ninos mayores que el.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Nico is nearly 9 months/ Casi tiene 9 meses

During the morning jungle walk with papa and in the afternoon already flirting with girls...

Durante el paseo matinal por la selva con papa y por la tarde ligando con chicas....