Wednesday, August 3, 2011


We are back in Singapore and have just gotten over the jet lag. Very happy to see daddy again and friends. Missing family in Spain and UK and the weather as here is really too hot. We are naked around the house like gypsies but still sweating!
Nico is eating 2 proteins a day, so cereal breakfast, then lunch with chicken, beef or fish, an afternoon snack of fruit and sometimes yogurt, and then veggies and fish or chicken for dinner. But still not enough for him so he still wakes up every nite for a bottle feed...

Ya estamos de vuelta en Singapore y poniendonos al dia con el cambio horario. Muy contentos de ver a papa y a nuestros amigos. Pero echamos de menos a la familia en Espana y en Inglaterra, y hace tanto calor aqui... Andamos desnudos por casa y aun asi sudamos!
Nico ya come 2 proteinas al dia; cereales para desayunar, la comida con pollo, ternera o pescado, la merienda fruta y a veces yogur, y mas verdura con pollo o pescado para cenar. Pero aun asi no es suficiente para Nico, y todavia se despierta por las noches para pedir un biberon de leche!


1 comment:

  1. Ay ay ay. He is looking strong and happy. He is definitely going to be a heart breaker in years to come. I hope the three of you are well!

